
Pathways and Curriculum


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Desired Future and Next Steps​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Student succes​s statement

A successful learner at Brisbane South State Secondary College knows themselves and is a lifelong learner. They are confident, health-focused, self-directed global thinkers who are passionate about their desired future.

No pathway is a straight line. At our college, the focus across Years 7 to 12 is on 'who, not what'. Our curricula focus on 6 competencies plus connection and self-understanding.  ​

The last two particularly emphasised when our young people are discovering and furthering their passions and who they want to become, not what they want to be as they take many 'next steps towards their desired future'.

Stepping into Year 11 and 12 is a key milestone and a juncture that requires significant preparation. The key messages for our students and families are:

  • Students will be successful, engaged and motivated when they have agency in how, what, where and when they learn.

  • Skills and competencies are the highest employability set, more than content mastery.

  • Being curious and informed about passions and the skillset, mindset and toolkit required to work towards a desired future.

  • Outcomes for students are broader than numbers and qualifications.

  • Students of today are going to have many career and job changes; flexibility and adaptability of learning/work environments, collaborating with partners, inquiring into professional lives and technological capabilities are going to be key.

  • Year 13, or the first year after Year 12, will look different for each student and that is ok (refer to the below image and electronic links).

  • The College, students and all learning partners work together to ensure that all pathways in senior secondary have multiple Year 13 options: employment, tertiary study, further training, workforce readiness, gap year.

Gen Zalpha/Alpha

Generation Alpha are defined as those born from 2010-2024. Generation Zalpha are those that near the threshold, those born in 2008 and 2009 and collide with Generation Z or the Millennials. 

More than 2.8 million Alphas are born globally every week. When they have all been born (2025) they will number almost 2 billion – the largest generation in the history of the world.  Some key factors of this generation, the generation that is currently in our schooling systems right now are:

  • the most technologically savvy generation ever.

  • they will enjoy a longer life span than any previous generation.

  • they will stay in education longer, start their earning years later.

  • they are the first generation to be fully shaped in a global culture.

  • to them, job security will matter.

  • they place high value on social pragmatism, justice and entrepreneurship.

  • they have more consumer choice and they purchase in accordance with their values.

  • they will have a greater need for interpersonal skills such as communication and leadership to thrive in a more machine-assisted future.

  • they will work across more jobs and careers than any generation before - at least 18 jobs across 6 careers in their lifetime and 65% of Gen Alpha will ultimately work in careers that do not currently exist.

  • they will discuss and be aware of mental health challenges and choose life experiences that best preserve this​.


Preparing for the learners and young people in our classrooms right now and very shortly in the workforce h​as been instrumental in the way we do learning at Brisbane South State Secondary College, but also a driving force in our Senior Secondary Pathway decisions and opportunities.​​

Brisbane South State Secondary College will have 4 Senior Secondary Pathways. The documents and links are carefully curated to highlight the following:

  • Philosophy
  • Types of Learning and Types of Learner
  • The different types of experiences
  • Unique characteristics
  • Next steps and outcomes
  • Pathway characteristics and expectations
  • Subject offerings for International Baccalaureate, General, Applied and VET
  • Sample weekly timetable
  • Subject overview; topics and assessment.​

Last reviewed 19 June 2024
Last updated 19 June 2024